This is a portion of things that I'm thankful for.
But, before I get into that I want you to know that my thankfulness like many other folks is not limited to a few days in November. I do attempt to be thankful year round however this time of year brings about a renewed thankfulness. So allow me to share with whomever reads this my reasons for my gratitude.
1.God-Everything good and perfect comes from Him.
2. Tasha-Without her I would not have the children that I'm blessed to have. She is the iron that sharpens my life and refines my perspective.
3. My Parents-Every year of my life brings about a new respect for what they endeavored to place into my character (all of the bad stuff is my fault and not theirs).
4. My "older" Sister...not bigger...just older (inside joke) and my Brother-in-law Bryan Holston along with my nephews.
5. Jordan my youngest nephew and one of the best all around 18 year olds I know. He follows advice even when he doesn't agree.
6. My Calling-I could be doing many things but none of them would ever bring me the satisfaction nor challenge of doing what God has called me to do. Nothing else has the eternal impact that working for God has and I would not trade that for anything in this world.
7. Good friends.
8. First Church Family.
9. My health.
10. Gods provision-In times like these I am very grateful for what God has provided for my family and I.
11. The United States of America-The greatest country in the entire world. With all of its short comings it remains the greatest of them all.
12. Jason and Leah West-They have become more like family. I appreciate their tireless labor of love for Revivalution Youth Ministry and anything else that they are asked to perform. They carry a huge portion of my burden and enable me to fulfill the vision God has given me.
13. Seth-He is a life filled with potential and personality. He is becoming the young man I only dreamed of.
14. Lane-She is the party that everyone wishes they could attend. She is the life of everyday that we live. A ready smile, up for anything and sweet beyond words. What a daughter!
15. Aidan-When you become an adult...look out world! Please meet your future President/Extreme Skateboarder/Video Game Designer. I am somewhere in the ball park.
16. Everything!
I am convinced that being "thankful" is a choice and not a set of circumstances and if you want to hear more of this you would need to be in our service tonight. My life is far from perfect and I suspect it never will be. In spite of that I am thankful for the life that God has blessed me with.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!
That's whats on my mind today.
3 years ago